
Foxes belong to the Canidae family and are just one of the many predators found in the park. Foxes are nocturnal animals, active at dusk and at night, and live in small family groups.

Female foxes and their young sleep in underground dens in the winter and spring, and in spots above ground the rest of the year. Male foxes, on the other hand, sleep outside year-round.

Their diet consists of small and medium-sized prey, such as beetles, mice and other rodents, rabbits, hares, birds and eggs, earthworms, and hedgehogs. They also eat fruits, berries, waste food, and carrion.

Mating season is from December to February. After a gestation period of roughly 53 days, the young are born between late February and early April inclusive in litters of one to fourteen, with an average litter containing four or five young. The young have dark grey-brown fur and are blind at birth.

Spotting a fox is no easy task. They are timid animals that are most active at night. Your best chance of spotting one is from May to July inclusive, when the females are busy finding food for their young. You may be able to spot a young fox when they are learning how to fend for themselves.

Head-body length:50-80 cm (tail: 33-50 cm)
Weight:3.5-10 kg (males are larger than females)
Mating season:December to February inclusive
Gestation period:53 days
Number of young:usually 4-5
Name of adult male:reynard or dog
Name of adult female:vixen
Name of young:pup or cub